
Saturday, 8 October 2011

Comparison: Apple iPhone 4S vs the six month old Samsung Galaxy S II

Today Apple announced the iPhone 4S instead of a highly rumored iPhone 5. Apple has tauted itself as an innovator, but it’s clear they are now playing catch up. When comparing the brand new iPhone 4S, which is the greatest iPhone ever, to the 6 month old Samsung Galaxy S II, it doesn’t appear there’s any competition. When you look at things like thickness, weight, and screen size the iPhone 4S loses hands down, but there’s plenty more.
Even if you could argue that the iPhone 4S is equal to the Galaxy S II, it would still be a disappointment. Now with the already announced Galaxy S II LTE and Galaxy S II LTE HD, along with next week’s Nexus Prime announcement, I am not sure where Apple goes from here. Luckily for Apple there’s a lot of misinformed consumers, so sales won’t suffer too much.
Full comparison after the break


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