
Sunday, 2 October 2011

iPhone 5 Leaked Photos

I came across this screenshot on Twitter when someone posted it. I am unable to trace back, who posted it. (Sorry for that)
According to the screenshot, it appears that iPhone 5 may have an Antenna. The obvious question is WHY? It may be because of the iPhone 4 Holding issues which led to reduced network coverage. (Just guessing)
Or that antenna may be an extra accessory which would have been included while taking the photo. We never know!
And after all this, we are not even sure weather this is a real Leaked Screenshot iPhone 5 or not, as it appears very similar to iPhone 4 with just an Antenna attached. (I can also be a Photoshop trick) Some guy would just be kidding around with all those Apple enthusiasts out there.
Note: Currently I am considering it as a Rumour, but it may well be true!
Update: The iPhone 5 prototypes are making news, I just got hold of a prototype which shows the Glossy Front and Back panels of the iPhone 5.
iPhone 5 Front view (prototype)
iPhone 5 Back view (prototype)

Update: One more iPhone 5 prototype came to notice. Some one actually posted a photo of it. Seems to look good!
iPhone 4g or iPhone5
Update: One more iPhone 5 leaked photo is out which shows an Metal Back Case. It is the same as iPhone 4 just an addition of the Metal back case..
iPhone 5 : iPhone 4 with Metal Back Case
Update: We just got to know about a slimmer iPhone 5 leaked Prototype, which was brought to notice by a forum member. Here it is:
iPhone 5 Leaked Prototype
Also, leaked pictures of the iPhone 5 Button-less prototype are observed. It seems to be the work of Graphic designers, but appears quite sleek and can surely be one among which Apple is working on.
iPhone 5 prototype
Leaked picture of iPhone 5 Prototype


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